Keeping Track

Do you ever feel like you’re doing everything BUT writing? You know, researching, reading, sending queries, answering mail, following writing blogs? It’s easy to have writing time slip away, especially if you have a full-time job doing something else. And, since those activities are writing-related, it’s easy to justify doing them. But, what about the pencil to the paper / fingers to the keyboard writing that you must do if you’re going to call yourself a writer?

I read about this idea about making your writing efforts transparent. Jerry Seinfeld uses it, not that that necessarily makes it a “stairway to success.” The idea is simple: find a calender, set a daily writing goal in minutes/hours/seconds even. Then, if you writing for at least that amount of time, you mark the square with a big X. I’m starting modestly, an hour a day, and I’m using a bright green marker.

What you try to do is to create a chain of connected Xs.  I’ve been trying this since February began and, although I haven’t been perfect, I know I’m doing more writing than I did before. I like the visual aspect, and I don’t like “breaking the chain.”

Give it a try! When the month’s over I’ll  post a picture of my green chain. Oh no, public viewing.  Pressure!


  1. Ava says:

    I think I’ll give your/Jerry’s idea a try. It may be what it takes for me to get started.. thanks, I’ll let you know how I do 😀

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