Excuses, excuses…

It’s so easy to find reasons NOT to write. There’s work and there’s work around the house and there’s work in the yard. Lately, the challenge for me has been work, where we’re in the midst of developing a federal grant proposal around history education. Although we have experience with this, it still takes much mental energy to put together a program it and to budget it correctly. And, to do it in a timely manner. Fortunately, I’m working as part of at team of smart and experienced people.

Our proposal is due this week. We’re in fairly good shape at this point, but the week will be spent editing, revising, and making sure the terms are consistent and the narrative matches the budget. It reminds me of writing a novel, where consistency is essential. I don’t have a great amount of experience in that genre, but with the novel I did write some years back (still unpublished), it really helped to create character charts complete with personal and physical traits of each major character. I also created a map of the town where the story took place, and referred to it often as I wrote.  As we finish up this grant, I have made a master list of terms used and I keep it on-hand as I review the text. It’s working quite well.

Despite the excuse of the grant, I continue to work on my writing each day and I’m hoping my number of writing days this month will exceed last month’s. One week to go in March, so we’ll see…

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