Time Away

Recently returned from a road trip to Idaho, where I visited a high school friend and took some time away. Taking time away from writing can be a little unnerving, especially when you have some momentum built up and you’re in a wordgroove. Fortunately, not long ago I finished the draft of a picture book bio of Yogi Berra so taking this break was helpful. Oh, I did look at the draft several times and made some notes for revisions, but mainly I checked out and hung out.

Stepping away from writing is something I have found to be helpful over the years. It gives you a chance to see your work with “fresh eyes.”  I’ve also read research that supports this practice in the classroom. That is, having students take some time “away” after writing a piece. It doesn’t have to be a week or a month; a couple days will work. Then have them do a self-edit on the work bef0re turning it over to a classmate. This can work wonders in improving writing, most especially when students have been trained to be editors (i.e. helpers).  And it all starts with helping ourselves.

Now I’m ready to help myself with the Yogi book.

On the road to Idaho

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