
Summer has arrived, and with it, rain. This should come as no surprise, this being Oregon and all. Yes, we’ve have some beautiful, warm sunny days. This particular day happens to be a reminder of the long, squishy-damp winters we have here. A perfect day to stay inside and write!

This wonderful day finds me happily working away in my writing office. I’m fine-tuning a couple of e-books that will be put up soon on eReadia (, getting out specs for artwork on an educational activity book I’m working on, and doing some groundwork on an update for my Game Day book that’s 10+ years old. You know, getting a licensing agreement with Major league Baseball, things like that.

While I’m not actually doing writing per-se (well, right now I am), I’m doing a lot of writing-related tasks. Do I count these things as writing? Absolutely not! But each of them is necessary nonetheless. After recently completing my picture book bio of Yogi Berra, now I’m trying to find it a publishing home. I scour my contacts file as well as my publisher catalogs, notes, and market surveys done by various groups. Right now I have seven different publishers targeted. Now I need to go onliine to make sure the info is current (hopefully their websites are updated), then start sending things out. And yes, I have a query letter all ready. Yes, I’ll send the complete manuscript when asked for, and yes, I’ll send it to more than one publisher (and tell them what I’m doing) unless they specifically forbid it, in which case I’ll wait and send to them later.

Enough talk; it’s time for action!

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