Publishing #2

Okay, write first or sell first? It’s a huge question, and one that needs to be addressed. How you answer could make a difference in months or years in your life. In honor of full disclosure, I have tried both ways. Additionally, the only things I have sold that were not already written were books that were part of a series.

Write the entire book first if it’s something you HAVE to write and, either it never has to be read by others, or you will take personal responsibility for seeing that the work gets published (= self-publishing; more on that later). If your life can go on without writing the book, you’re not willing to put the resources into self-publishing, or you don’t really want to spend the next six months to ten years working on something that most likely (yes, the odds are against you) will not see the light of day, try selling the book first. Or, at least try to get some interest from agents or publishers abut your project that will inspire you to write on.

If you’re going to write first, get going. What are you waiting for? Remember, checking out the marketplace first for your book can be helpful, so that you don’t replicate something already done and so you can see what publishers might be on your target list when it comes time to send out a query. Some good resources, in addition to similar books in libraries and bookstores, are The Writer’s Market, which list hundreds of publishers and is updated every year, and periodicals like “Writer’s Digest” and “The Writer Magazine.” If you’re writing for kids, check out The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and Childrens

Next time, self-publishing. Bring your unbridled energy, and don’t forget your checkbook!

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