First days

First days of school are mystical. A few are memorable. The most memorable one for me was not my own but my son’s. Tyler’s first day of kindergarten was a landmark: our first child going off to public school for the first time. Excitement, anxiety, and hope for the future filled the air at our house.
After the obligatory photos that would become a family tradition (Tyler with Mom, Tyler with Dad, Tyler with the dog), I drove Tyler the two miles to school. We talked easily on the drive, about the fun he would have and about the games we would play when school was over.

The school was buzzing with cars and busses and parents and kids. Tyler and I walked hand-in-hand to his classroom. He looked around, wide-eyed at the activity. As we neared his classroom our pace slowed. When we were about 10 feet away from the door, Tyler dropped to his knees on the ground and pulled me with him.

“Whatsa’ matter, Tyler?” I whispered in his ear.

“I’m a little scared,” a small voice replied.

I let that sink in.

“Me, too,” I told him.

We stayed frozen a while then Tyler turned to face me. His blue eyes glistened as he wrapped his arms around me. Then he stood up straight, walked past the parents that hovered outside the classroom door, and into into his new world.

What “First Day” stands out for you?


  1. Ava says:

    It was my first day at Sabin elementary (2nd half of 4th grade). I had already been to 3 different schools so the butterflies in my stomach were normal. When I opened the door, there was a sea of dark skinned kids staring at my pale skin. This was the year Martin Luther King was killed… it was a life altering year.

  2. Scott says:

    Taryn’s first day of pre-school this year was pretty memorable. She has gone to the same daycare/pre-school for the past few years, so I wasn’t expecting too much excitement or unwillingness to go on her part. When we dropped Angelique at the bus stop (8th grade), Taryn informed me that SHE wanted to go to “big girl school” too. I let her know that this is her last year of pre-school, and that she starts kindergarten next year. After she let that sink in for a little while, she let me know that she will be calling pre-school ‘kindergarten’ this year. Just because she wants to. Now she gives me a big hug when I drop her off, and then proceeds to SHOVE me out the door – with a big smile on her face.

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