And Life Goes On

The priorities of life ebb and flow, and writing is certainly a part of that. After reviewing the last several months of work (see previous calender post in which I keep track of my daily writing and writing-related activities), it is very clear that most of my work has been revolved around writing-related work (esp. marketing). While this is inevitable (if you want to sell books) it is quite frustrating.

The fear, of course, is that you will somehow “lose” the composing skill if you are not actually composing regularly. Since most of my efforts right now involve selling books as well as doing the final prep work for getting books published, I have not started a new book. To keep composing, though, I have been working on anecdotal narrative about growing up. While I have no plans for these “shorts” there’s nothing to say that they won’t become something, sometime. In the meantime, doing this work helps to keep me practicing and helping to improve my skills.

A high priority lately has been the construction of a new home. This began in September, and while I am not actually building it myself, I am helping attend to the many, many details that involve such an undertaking. There are many stories involved in this process and, who knows, there’s book possibilities as well.

Bottom line: Everything has book possibilities.

Walls on the rise


  1. Ann Herrick says:

    Great view, Robert!

  2. Conrad Bradford says:

    Im tough their is nothing tougher out their.
    Im tough I can kill a bear.
    Im tough Ill do anything you dare.
    Im tough about safety I don’t really care.
    Im tough their is nothing I can’t scare.
    Im tough their is nothing tougher out there.
    !IM TOUGH!

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