The Magic of Nonfiction**

And a hearty “thank you” to the dedicated Lane County (OR) educators who braved darkness and dampness to attend The Magic of Nonfiction** workshop last night in Eugene. I hope you have located the handouts on this site. I included a Survey handout as well because I like to periodically see how my students are thinking about themselves as writers. This is a quick/easy activity to do at the beginning and the end of the school year, and it can provide you with some valuable information.

Please let me know (by reply below or e-mail) if you would like me to post specific activities for books. I would be happy to do so. And, of course, these and all other handouts are open to all visitors of the website. Please note, though, that they’ll only be up for a limited time, so download at your earliest convenience. I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about the handouts.

You’ll also see A.C. Gilbert handouts listed. One is a packet of activities that Karen Antikajian and I developed specifically to go along with my book: The Magic of A.C. Gilbert. The other is a Readers’ Theater script of the book. Sorry there were not enough A.C. books for those who wanted to buy one. If you contact me I’d be happy to get a signed copy to you.

If you think a workshop such as this (or on Common Core, Six Traits, assessment, writing workshop, or writing across the curriculum) would be helpful to your school or district, please pass along the Real Writing professional development flyer distributed last night to your administrator or staff planning team. Author visits, with an emphasis on curiosity and Faction writing, can also be arranged for this school year. Please pass that flyer along to your parent organization or other sponsoring group. Thank you!

Hope you enjoy the other offerings of the Emerald Empire Reading Council.


  1. Tina Fredette says:

    Hi – I enjoyed your workshop and did want a copy of your book, but they were soldout. How can I get this?

    • areswhy says:

      Hi Tina,
      Thanks for the kind words. Just drop me a check for $8.00 and I’ll get the book in the courier to your school. My address is 172 Wetleau Dr., Lowell 97542. Let me know if you’d like the book signed, and to whom.
      p.s. Did you see the A.C. activity handout on the website?

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