CreateSpace, One More Time

Okay, so I got the hard copy version of my novel proof and my suspicions were well-founded. The gutters are too big, making the text on the page look unbalanced. When you look at pages in the middle of the book, it’s not too noticeable; when you look at either the front or back sections, Whoa! Makes me nearly fall off my chair it’s so lopsided.

After a call to CreateSpace, I learned that they could/would fix it for me, for a fee, or I could readjust the margins. Given my mission to avoid fees in this process, I decided to try it myself. So I did, with the assistance of a kind young gent from CS. Thank you! The margins seem better now, the gutter doesn’t look so wide, the text looks better centered.

That assessment is made by looking at the online proof, but I’m going to order another hard copy proof. Just to make sure. What’s great about this process is that if you find errors or things you don’t like in your book, you can make changes and print more. The key is to not order a truckload until you are completely satisfied. Which, for some of us, may be never. I’m working on that, though…

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