CreateSpace, One More Time +

So, I had the book right where I wanted it: text balanced, pages looking good, no widows or other weird-named things. Then, I looked at the author page at the end of the book. It’s a brief paragraph about the about the author, what I do, where I live, what I like. All good there, but at the bottom of the page was a page number. DOH!

There shouldn’t be a page number there. I don’t want one there. I just don’t know how to get rid of it. Page numbering in Word takes a graduate degree to navigate. Still, I try, supported by the handy little Help menu. I try what it tells me, only to erase all the pages. Nope, don’t want that. Maybe I can just live with the author page being numbered. No one will notice, right?

But I’ll know. So, I keep at it and end up finding out about page breaks and section breaks. Ah ha! Section breaks, that’s it. Create a new section about the main text, which then starts the page numbering form 1. Delete that, which does not delete the rest of the text, only that section. Done. No mess, no blood.
Just time.

Coming soon…Moving Targets.

One comment

  1. Ava says:

    Patience is a virtue… Well DONE!

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