Is It Foolish To Write?

On this day, surrounded by foolishness, it is appropriate to ask an important question: Is it foolish to write? The answer is simple. No! Absolutely not!!

Writing is an essential means of communication. It’s a way to share thoughts, interests, knowledge, and ideas with others. It’s a way of arguing persuading, and getting what you want. Best of all, it’s a way of learning about yourself.

Not sure what you think or feel about something? Start writing. As your words are committed to screen or paper, your truths will emerge. It won’t always be a straightforward process (write and learn); often times it will be a circuitous adventure (write, write, write, learn).

Self-discovery through writing

A related question bears considering: Is writing for publication foolish? This one is harder to answer. I think it depends on your purpose. If your purpose if fame and fortune, I think the answer is yes. After all, the chance of you achieving either is very remote. Sure, you see the successful writers all around you, the ones with six-figure deals and best-selling books. What you don’t see are the others, the millions who labor at their projects, hoping one day to be recognized and published.

If your purpose is to share a story or some knowledge you have, my answer would be different. In that case I’d say no, it’s not foolish to write. But the odds, aren’t they still against you? Isn’t it still a long-shot that you will be published? Well, yes and no. Yes, the odds of being published by a traditional publisher are still a long-shot. Today, however, there are other options. These include small, independent publishers, and they also include print-on-demand services, where you become the publisher.

In the past, becoming your own publisher meant big upfront costs to have your book printed. With on-demand publishing (e.g. CreateSpace, Virturalbookworm, Smashwords, Lulu, etc.) the costs are very reasonable.

Despite the ease of having your work published these days, the most important question is this: Do you enjoy the process of writing? This should be the question that guides you. Writing is too hard and life is too short to spend your energies at something that does not bring you joy.

Good luck in whatever path you choose!

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