Annandale Days is an ongoing memoir-writing project in which people I grew up with in Annandale, New Jersey during the 1950s and 1960s share recollections. Below is an overview of the project as well as writing guidelines/tips for participants and the recollections themselves, shared over time.
On September 27, 2015, participants and future participants of the Annandale Days project met at the Annandale Reformed Church to renew friendships and share stories. It was a grand and informative time! Here are some who attended:

By Weightman, Ruth (Krohn) Paulus, Doris Schermerhorn, Joy (Schantz) Beck, Mary (Frace) Bush, Pastor Ken Lobb

Don McGraw, Mary (Whitely) McGraw, Sharon (Schermerhorn) Santillo, Kay Ann (Billow) Anson, Barry Scheier, Mary Alice (Manning) Clark, Patti (Cramer) Schultz

Bottom: Peggy (Bird) Weightman, David Frace Top: Bruce Schantz, David Reid, David Schubert, Bill Sherman, Arnold Papenfuhs
Sorry I could not make this. I sent my sister Ruth Alice (Manning) Clark to represent the Manning’s from Maple Ave. Thanks for the photos. Doesn’t look like any of us has aged a bit!
We’ll catch you next time, Bob. In the meantime, send some of your memories to share. Best to you and your family.
Great pictures – great afternoon!! Will work on more stories shortly.
Thanks for making the afternoon great, Peg! Looking forward to your stories.