Happy New Year!

And a most happy and healthy New Year to all. 2011 was a very interesting and exciting year; I expect 2012 to be the same. A little calmer would be fine, but I’m not complaining. Not only did I get to travel last year (Idaho, central Oregon, San Diego), but I also had a book published (The Magic of A.C. Gilbert) in both print and electronic (my first) formats. 2012 is looking quite good, with two more books scheduled or release, and shortly, too.

Despite being highly focused on house-building matters, the writing life continues. Currently, I’m creating a display for the Eugene Public Library that will highlight the A.C. book. Hope to have it set up sometime this week. A Ferris wheel made from a 1960 Erector Set will be part of the display. If you live in the area, drop by the children’s section of the library and check it out.


  1. Ava says:

    Can’t wait to see the display at the Library, what other things did A.C. Gilbert invent?

    • areswhy says:

      A variety of educational toys, including chemistry sets, telescopes, and radio kits. He held 152 patents, and many household items we use to today (fans, hair dryers) make use of the motors and circuitry A.C. created.

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