Great Run at Lundy

As the school year races to its end, I can’t help but reflect on my volunteer experience. Each year I try to find a class to work with, doing the things that could help teachers navigate the waters of writing instruction. Like the ocean tides, these waters are ever-changing, challenging, and yes, sometimes treacherous. Fortunately, again I found a class willing and excited to learn.

I found the students of Mrs. Green’s fourth class at Lundy Elementary School in Lowell, Oregon to be the perfect group to work with. They were a diverse group, with varied abilities, backgrounds, and interests (the best kind!). We did a variety of projects this year, and they were always willing to try something, even if it was outside their comfort zone. Their willingness to participate and stretch their limits is a testament to their teacher, as teachers set the tone for the class. I am grateful for the experience.

Here’s some advice:

To teachers – Open up your classroom to the world. There are lots of people who have lots of talents that can help your students.

To writers – Get into classrooms. You have something to offer that can light a fire in kids.

To retired teachers – You spent your career working with kids, hopefully because you liked them. You still have something to offer and, given the state of education today, there are many classes that could need, and would love, your help.

To all – Offer your expertise to local public schools. Everyone will benefit.


  1. Lorali says:

    This is Lorali from the 4th grade class just comenting on all the fun things you’ve done with us

  2. Nyah says:

    This is Nyah what I liked about mr.young he was kind and he had a great personality.The progect I liked the best was the gum progect and the goverment essay.Thank you mr.young for every thing.

  3. Kristina says:

    Hello, I loved having you as a teacher! You are a great teacher and you are a very nice guy! I loved it when we all learned about lewis and clark.

  4. Gwen says:

    Thank you for coming to this 4th grade class.moving targets is my favorite book. The whole class loves the book.

  5. Ashley says:

    It was very fun when we did the Lewis and Clark adventure. We made our characters out of paper. We did reports on something connected to Lewis and Clark. I did my report on Seaman’s fate.

  6. Maddy says:

    Mr.young has been a great person to 4th grade. He is a great teacher.

  7. Nicky says:

    I really enjoyed having you in my class. My favorite activity was the Gum project. That was my favorite because I am not aloud to chew gum at my house or at school.

  8. Lorali says:

    This is Lorali from the 4th grade class at Lundy just comenting on all the fun things that you’ve done with us

  9. Dillen says:

    I liked the gum project

  10. Kylee says:

    It was so much fun working with you this year!:) We did so many exhilarating projects with you!! It was a great experience being able to work with a famous author for our class(:We all hope you can come to us next year!!

  11. Dillen says:

    I liked the gum thing

  12. Dillen says:

    I like the book

  13. Kristina says:

    Hello, I loved having you as a teacher here! I really liked it when we all learned so much about lewis and clark.

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