Ideas/Content Lesson

Here’s a mentor text lesson for you. Please model it first by bringing in and talking about one of your special objects.

Trait: Ideas/Content

Focus: Details


Book/Author: Wilifrid Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox

Publisher:  Kane Miller

ISBN:  0-916291-26-X

Summary:  Despite a difference in ages of decades, Wilifrid Gordon and Miss Nancy become great friends.  Together, they explore memories and the great value that everyday objects have in keeping us connected to our thoughts, hopes, and dreams.

What You Need:  Simple objects from students’ homes

What You Do:  Ask students to bring in a simple object that is special to them.  In small groups or with partners have students share the story behind the objects.  Why did the students choose these objects?  What are the details that makes them special?  Read the book aloud, and then ask students to write about meaning of their objects. Encourage them to include the details that make the objects special.


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