Pleasant Hill Challenge!


I’m looking forward to meeting with the writers of Pleasant Hill Elementary School this week. We will be talking about curiosity, questions, and, of course writing. The last time I visited, I issued a challenge to rename the term “nonfiction.” Lots of writers submitted, and we got many good ideas.

The challenge this visit will be different. Here it is: In 50 words or less, answer the question, “Why do you write?” Make your answer clear, creative, and compelling.

Post your answer below as a Comment. Make sure to add your first name and room number. I’ll be sharing some of your answers when I visit on Thursday.

See you soon!

Why do I write?

Why do I write?


  1. lily bonomo says:

    Why I write.
    I write when I’m happy or glad,
    when I’m angry or mad,
    I write to feel make me feel better,
    I’ll write a book or a letter,
    Why do you write?

  2. lily bonomo says:

    hi this is lily it was fun that you came to our school I have filled out the book order form and I would like to get MOVING TARGETS. again thank you for coming to our school and I would like you to come again but I am in 6th grade this year so maybe you could come to the high school that would be great bye.

  3. Laura Gerick's Room 19 says:

    Kyla: I like writing about my family and friends.
    Trinity: I like to write because I make stories that are imaginary and it calms me down.
    Hannah: I like writing because it is fun and I enjoy it.
    Jayden: I write because I love it. I’ve started writing since I was three or four. Also it’s like you’re hopping into a new adventure: sad, mad, romantic, funny.
    Ryan L: I like writing because it fills your imagination. It takes you on adventures. You can even learn something and write it in your book so you can write too.
    Savannah: Because it is my favorite hobby in class and I am rhyming poem writer. It is my favorite choice in Daily 5. I like reading a lot. Every day I read 3 books. Reading keeps me entertained.

  4. Laura Gerick's Room 19 says:

    Madison: I’m getting better at spelling the words, and I am learning, and it is also fun to write and draw the pictures.
    Chloe G: To write stories, and I wrote 4 books!
    Ryan: I like to write because it is fun.
    Steven: I love writing because I think it is awesome and that it is interesting to me. I like writing stories and poems.
    Ryan: I write because I imagine the things I write.
    Jayne: I write so I don’t lose my thoughts.

  5. Laura Gerick's Room 19 says:

    Theresa: To be happy and to make people laugh.
    Brittany: I like to write because it is so fun and you get to publish the book.
    Jack: I write to feel my imagination.
    Hunter: I like to write because it is really fun.
    Chloe M.: I write because I like making stories up.
    Mason: Because it is fun!

  6. Isabella Vahala Room 12 says:

    I like writing beacuse i can make up fiction or nonfiction. So i can make up scary stories.Also you make up your own and people enjoy your story.That is why i like writing.

  7. Lizzie.Stark.15 says:

    Why I rihtg it helps me when Im sad or mad or happy it matters.
    That is why I write.

  8. Sierra RM18 says:

    Why do I write well that is a good question.I write for all diffrent ways.Number one to bring love and humor into someones life.Number two to bring comfedence and bravery into somebody.Number three to tell someone their not alone.That is why I write.

  9. David Debord says:

    It’s fun to write you use your imagination.
    A few good reason’s to write are to persaude,
    inform,and entertain.

  10. Mrs. Carpenter's Second Graders says:

    Maddy: People write because they have good ideas to make a story
    Neona: People write so others can hear good ideas, become famous and do something with their life
    Ande: People write in newspapers so people can get jobs
    Isaac: People write down stuff they want people to know
    Justus: When you are bored you can just use your imagination and write
    Claire: Without writing we wouldn’t have much of anything, like books and directions to make toys
    Taylor: No words, no dictionary, no encyclopedia, wouldn’t know what words mean
    Jonathan: Writing is important to tell you what you need and to get directions to build a house
    Reality: Without writing we couldn’t read
    Ande: Without writing we wouldn’t know anything

  11. kayanna mccan says:

    I wright because I some times have good ideas!

  12. MIRKA says:

    It to express your feelings

  13. lilah warren RM15 says:

    I like writeing because its fun.I also like writeing becouse i like writeing stories and writeing about my self.

  14. MASON.HYLEMON rm15 says:

    I write because its FUN and you can publish it and give it to other people.

  15. lilah warren RM15 says:

    I write because its fun.I also like wrieing becouse i like writ

  16. chase huff room 15 says:

    To express our feelings and let our imagination run wild. When I wright I like to make my story funny and when people lagh when


    read it it makes me feel good. I personaly like fiction and adventure best-Chase

  17. Miriam Rm 22 says:

    I write because it is fun and also I can express my feelings.

  18. Hannah O. Rm 22 says:

    I write to inspire people.

  19. Cam O. Rm 22 says:

    I write because it helps me get better. Also, if I am not understanding my book I can write it out and it helps me understand it better.

  20. Katie F. Rm 22 says:

    I write because it makes me feel better when I am sad. It makes me feel like I am in a different world, like a fantasy. I feel better about myself when I write.

  21. areswhy says:

    Okay, rooms 3 and 15 have added comments. Great job!

  22. Room 3 phes says:

    We write to tell what we’re thinking and to write books for kids to become better readers.
    We write letters to friends to find out how they are doing. It’s fun to get letters in the mail.
    We write in our journals to remember what we did. Writing is fun so we do it for fun.
    We write because we have stories to tell and share our thinking.
    We write because we can be funny.

  23. areswhy says:

    Wow, you guys (and gals) really ARE writers. Good to hear from rooms 12, 16, 18, and 21!

  24. Lisa Lilles says:

    Room 16:
    Lorena wrote,”I write because when you write you are learning and having fun. I like writing. Writing encourages kids like us to become writers. And writing helps me and my friends for when we get older and need to write more stuff. That’s why I write.’
    Sienna wrote,” I write because I think it is fun and entertaining. If you give me a piece of paper and a pencil , oh boy, I could write a hundred words in 15 minutes! I guess I was just born to write.”
    Gavin wrote,” I write because it’s fun to write and coming up with ideas. There’s lots of different things to write about. People write about their life. Reading is fun, too.”

  25. Carrie says:

    Why I Write
    I write because it reminds me,
    Of what I have to give,
    I write because it helps me,
    To run, to jump, to live.
    I write because it heals me,
    From sorrow I have had,
    I write because I love it,
    And because it makes me glad.

  26. Nicole room 21 says:

    I write to express how I feel and what I feel. For instance if I was in a great mood I could write something that expresses that I’m happy. I can also write to relax, or calm down if i’m upset. People write for all different reasons!

  27. Callie Demagalski Room 12 says:

    Some of the reasons i write is to entertane my self and because i like to write. Another way i like to write another way i like to wright is to express my emagination writting isnt my best subjects but i like to write.

  28. Georgia Warren Room 12 says:

    Some of the reasons i write is,to express what i feelor to entertain or educate people. Another reason I write is its fun to use your emagination or what you know to make a book, i also do it to entertain myself.

  29. Paige McDonald Room 12 says:

    I write because i feel that writing is creative because you are useing your imagination on a peice of paper. You can make alot of friends through writing even authors can be your friends. I love expressing my feelings because it can make you feel a whole lot better. I would love for this message to be read to all people…I want to be a author!!!

  30. Alexis Gregory Room 12 says:

    Why do I write? Well I write for many reasons. Sometimes I write because I am bored or it makes me feel better when I am sad. I also write to inform someone that reads my paper. Why do you write?

  31. Jordan Dahl Room 12 says:

    Some of the reasons I write are to entertain people, people or maybe to express my feelings. Some people use there imagination to write, but others write about real life. Writing isnt my favorite subject, but it is one of my favorites! why do you like writing?

  32. John ROOM 18 says:

    I like to write because writing is like saying something from your thoughts and you get to make up cool books where people can jump off things. Or you can write about superman, cyborgs, or batman and robin. Also I like to write because you get to read it when you are done. Those are some of the reasons I like to write.

  33. Maci John Rm 18 says:

    I like to write because it’s inspirational. It fills me with joy & happiness, but sometimes sadness and sorrow. I always remember that it is just a story. It’s also fun to recognize that everything has its own story. It always makes me feel as if I am in the story. I love to read so I can get ideas.

  34. kenzie room 18 says:

    Challenges, challenges, challenges. That’s one way I like to write. There are billions of ways why we write. But my favorite way is because I can set a new challenge every day to improve my writing. This makes it so people like my writing better.

  35. Gabe T. Rm 18 says:

    Why do you write? I write to give care. I saw someone sad and I wrote to him then he felt better. He wrote to me. It made me feel so much better. I write nice letters so people feel better. This is how I like to write.

  36. lily says:

    Were do you get your ideas from.

  37. bayley renee ellis Rm 18 says:

    I love to write. It is so much fun. I love writing because you can write about anything. I really want to write a book when I am older . It would be lots of fun. I want to write a lot of books. I love to read too.

  38. Cole.Taylor says:

    I like to write because you can express your imagination, and let your mind go wild. I mostly write about what me and my friends will do when we grow up.

  39. owen rm18 says:

    Who likes to write? Most people like to write. You can write for different reasons. These are the reasons: entertainment, to persuade, or to inform readers. I like to write fiction stories. First you have to get an idea to write. For me it is hard to get good ideas.

  40. Abby jordan says:

    Ah where do I begin, fiction and mystery are the best thing ever in my opinion. I love to sit in my chair very anxiously asking myself, what will happen next will it be scary, what will happen next: I call it wwhn. I love that felling but I love to put that felling in my readers heads wwhn. Seeing that smile on their face is my mission and when they do so my mission I accomplished
    Thanks for inspiring me

  41. Alex says:

    I write because it’s fun. You can really write anything want even if you don’t think it’s good idea a lot of people will think it’s good because you worked hard and made it interesting. you put effort you, detail and you made it sound good because you wrote it yourself.

  42. JILLIAN SEITZ ROOM 18 says:


  43. morgan frederick room 18 says:

    I like to write because it’s very, very fun . Some people really like to read other people’s writing because they just like to see what other people have to say in their writing. Writing is a lifelong skill. I say don’t be afraid of what you’re good at. That’s why I like to write.

  44. Hailey Curry room 18 says:

    “I’m bored.” These were the last words I said before I started to write. I was 4 when I started to write. I started to write because I was bored. Now I write for lots of reasons. Entertainment, boredom and more. Writing is fun. That’s why I write.

  45. Danika Starr Room 18 says:

    The hot feel of annoyance from messing up is upon me again but yet I still go on. I’m not satisfied with what I wrote so I keep trying. Writing is hard for me sometimes but I still love to write because I get to express my feeling and Imation. Writing is a good way for me to remember things and to give the reader a taste of my life. Even though frustration may fill me I still go on.

  46. matthew.grace says:

    I like writing because I write about the army and tv because what is on tv is good like ben10.

  47. Eli room 18 says:

    Writing is interesting because it can do a lot for you. Writing can help you with your handwriting and can entertain you. You can like writing because you can let your imagination go wild and write anything you want. It can make you feel better and sometimes it’s a challenge.

  48. Natalie Mann room 18 says:

    Why do I write? Because it’s fun! Also, because it shows my creativity. Sometimes when I have an idea I write it down. Then, I remember it when I want to write a story. It’s fun because you can write whatever you want! And that’s why I write!!!

  49. jack says:

    For fun and imagination .To show I am more than I look .To stand out in a crowd. To be as creative as possible .to write my life but in a very fun
    Way, a creative way. Cause I feel like I just accomplished something.

  50. GabeG. Room18 says:

    I write to inform people about my life.
    Like my trip to Alaska, it was a lot of fun.
    I got to see the North Pole and reindeer, but no moose. I got polished rocks and a white rabbit pelt. I’ve pretty much traveled all the northwestern states.

  51. Bryce Room 18 says:

    Hi my name is Bryce and this is why I like to write. You can write about your family, animals, place or even anything. You can write about anything. You could write something challenging, funny or interesting. You could write about the future or past. You can let your imagination go wild.

  52. angelina McKenzie room 18 says:

    By what my teacher told me you asked my class why we write. Well I have an answer, for me at least, well I will tell you why.

    I write because it is fun, I can share my stories and adventures. I love to share things with others but sometimes it’s not the right time. I can go crazy with my writing and go anywhere in my dreams, and that is why I write.

  53. areswhy says:

    Good job, Room 15! I’m looking forward to working with you.

  54. alice keepers room 15 says:

    We write so we can show are imagination to other people,
    in our own words.We also write so we can express our feelings are
    own story.You can also write to show stuff that happens
    in your life,and change it into something different.

  55. Blake Allen room 15 says:

    The reason I write is because I like to entertain people. I’m a funny kid so I like to let that out in my own writing. I love making people laugh because it lets me know they like my stories, and that makes me feel good. 🙂

  56. Lauren Neumann rm15 says:

    I write to show the real me and to be as creative as posible.Letting my creativity fly shows my freedom to write what I can.

  57. Austin barber room 15 says:

    The meaning of writing is to inform,entertain,and persuade. It can also be for past present and future

  58. Francesca Rm. 15 says:

    The reason I like to write is that I can express my feelings. I also like writing because it can entertain the reader… Writing makes me feel really happy! 🙂

  59. HOLLY BONOMO ROOM 15 says:


  60. Holly Bonomo room15 says:


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