Pleasant Hill P.S.


I love questions, so there will be a time for you to ask them. All questions are good, but some are better than others. See if you can think up questions that, finding out the answers, could help make you better writers. We’ll give those questions a high priority.

See you Thursday!


  1. Abigail Room 2 says:

    How many fiction books did you write?

  2. Neona Room 2 says:

    What inspired you to become a writer?

  3. kayanna says:

    how should I wrap up a story?

  4. Austin barber says:

    where do you get your ides for your stories

  5. Natalie Rm 18 says:

    Where did you learn about A.C. Gilbert?

  6. Kenzie Rm 18 says:

    At the assembly when you are coming on Thursday are you going to read our comments out loud with our names?

  7. blake.hudson room 15 says:

    is writeing fun to you

  8. Eli Rm 18 says:

    Do you write only at your desk, or do you write everywhere you go?

  9. Bayley Rm 18 says:

    What inspired you to write books?

  10. Ruth Rm 18 says:

    How old were you when you started writing books?

  11. Angie Rm 18 says:

    Do you get your ideas from places you visit, or do they just come from your mind.

  12. Francesca Rm. 15 says:

    Dear Robert Young,
    My question to you is what inspired you to write what you do? I think that your answer would help me write because I can look for the thing that inspred you. πŸ™‚

  13. Bailey Collins room 15 says:

    At the beging of a story how do you get poeples attention?

  14. Charles conrad rm 15 says:

    I ment chickens for my first comment.

  15. lilah warren RM15 says:

    why do you write?

  16. Lauren.Neumann RM15 says:

    when you don’t have insperation what inspires you?

  17. chase huff room 15 says:

    How do you come up with a good story-Chase

  18. mason.hylemon.rm15 says:

    where do you get your ideas from?

  19. Blake Allen says:

    i can hardley ever find out a good entertainment story to tell my friends, i would love to have some suggestions of some good stories.

  20. HOLLYBonomoRoom15 says:


  21. Bailey Collins room 15 says:

    Dear,Robert Young
    The reason I like to right is to see the look on
    there face when I read my story.It makes me feel good.

    Bailey Collins

  22. chase huff room 15 says:

    you need your amgination to grow πŸ™‚

  23. chase huff room 15 says:

    i wright because its fun πŸ™‚

  24. chase huff room 15 says:

    i wright to make people lagh and i like to express my feelings

  25. Blake Allen room 15 says:

    Why do you write? That’s simple. There are multiple reasons you write, MY reason is to make people laugh. When I make my class mates laugh it makes me feel good, it lets me know they like my writing. -Blake πŸ™‚

  26. Charles conrad says:

    I write because it is fun and I can make up silly storys about anything and my chickes [witch I have about eighty five of!]

  27. Ruth temple room18 says:

    Why do you write? Good question. I have a answer children need to learn it helps express feelings. It lets your imaginatoin run wild. If A child can’t hear it helps people understand what there trying to say. You draw and it becomes A wonderland of fantasy.

  28. ashten says:

    Why we write is a good question, most people like to write for fun. Some people like it because it is challenging. I write mostly for my imagination to go wild and free. Sometimes I want to take a trip anywhere and write about it as a book.

  29. Abby jordan says:

    Ah where do I begin, fiction and mystery are the best thing ever in my opinion. I love to sit in my chair very anxiously asking myself, what will happen next will it be scary, what will happen next: I call it wwhn. I love that felling but I love to put that felling in my readers heads wwhn. Seeing that smile on their face is my mission and when they do so my mission I accomplished
    Thanks for inspiring me

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