Thinking of an Author Visit? Part 3


So, you’ve planned an author visit for your school, selected an author to make presentations, signed an agreement so it’s clear what the author will do and what the school will do. Now comes the fun part, the part where all the work becomes worthwhile: the visit itself. Here are a few tips for a successful author visit:

Before The Visit:

Make sure you have traded cell phone numbers with the author is case of emergencies or last minute details.

Familiarize students with the books written by the author.

Conduct book-related or general writing activities.

Assist students in preparing questions for the author.

Communicate high expectations for audience behavior and consequences for misbehavior.

Make sure all equipment needs, seating arrangements, and schedules have been taken care of.

During The Visit:

Model and encourage participation.

Address behavioral issues quickly and quietly.

Feel free to ask questions and make comments that will enhance your curriculum.

After The Visit:

Lead a discussion about information presented during the visit.

Have students communicate through drawing (cartoons, comics, pictures) or writing (journals, blogs, letters, poems, stories, news articles, thank-you cards) about something they learned.

Conduct book-related or general writing activities.

Encourage students to further explore any aspect of the presentation that interested them.


Have fun!

Author visit at the Lincoln School in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Author visit at the Lincoln School in Buenos Aires, Argentina



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