Down Time?

Okay, so my posts have been a bit sporadic this last month. I have a reason: travel. Colombia, to be exact. My son’s living down there, so I visited him and we did some exploring of the country.

So, what’s this have to do with writing? Plenty! Travel, or for that matter, any type of experience, is fodder for writing. Going places and doing things provide the foundation for finding out more (= research) and/or sharing the experiences through the written word.

There’s lots to write about from my recent trip: the bustling metropolis of Bogota, population eight million; the predawn hike up 1,100 steps to the church atop Monserrate on Easter weekend; a steam train ride to the famous salt mine in Nemocon.

I could write about visiting Medellin, the city of “eternal spring.” That’s an improvement of what it used to be: the home of the country’s most infamous drug lord. I could also write about visiting the small islands located in the Carribbean that we visited: San Andres and Providencia. We had plenty of experiences there: hot humid weather, interesting foods, snorkeling around a sunken ship and coral reefs, and seeing all kinds of wonderful fish, including rays and barracuda. On the smaller island (Providencia) we rented bikes and rode around the island, and had money stolen on an “empty” beach while we swam.

So, while I was having a grand time in new places, I was also gathering information and experiences to write about. I have plenty of notes and lots of pictures to help me when I’m ready to write. It may be weeks, months, or even years.

El Pico on Providencia

El Pico on Providencia

Up close with the fish - San Andres

Up close with the fish – San Andres

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