Moving Forward

Okay, most of the pictures are done. Recorded interviews (60) have been heard, and notes taken. A rough (very rough) outline has been made. Now it’s time to get serious.

Well, not real serious. After all, this is going to be a book for kids, not an article for an encyclopedia. It’s going to have to be informative, engaging, WoW-producing, and fun.

The challenge, as with all faction (non-fiction) projects, is selecting the right material to include. I’ve gotten enough information to write a 100-page book, easily. However, this book will be 48 pages, and include photographs. So, this will require a special kind of selectivity, and always with readers in mind.

I have already started my draft, and each day I return to it to revise. This does not always happen in my office on the computer. This happens throughout the day. and night. Last night as I lay in bed, I contemplated some of the details I had included in my draft. Will they stay or will they go?

Only time will tell.

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