What’s in a Cover?

Do book covers matter?

Yes, I think they do. It’s what catches a potential reader’s eye, and it can make the difference of someone picking up the book or not. I know that as a reader.

So, when it came time to deciding on a cover for Game Day with the Oregon Ducks: An Insider’s Look at a UO Football Game, it was important to take the time to consider the possibilities. And, there were many. More than 3,000, to be exact.

Yes, ace photographer Jack Liu took that many for the book. Why so many, when fewer than 100 will be used? Because there are so many variables involved, including lighting, facial expressions, and what the action is. The more photos you have, the more options you have in choosing.

From the 3,000 photos, we narrowed it down to two:



Which would you choose?



  1. Ava says:

    Glad the flags won! Love the action shot!

  2. Kurt says:

    No question, the flags. It’s got an eye-catching design, action, and humor. Even the smoke adds excitement. It makes the other look generic. Go Ducks!

  3. Scott says:

    The second one. I’m not sure why – it just seems to draw my attention more than the first.

    • areswhy says:

      Interesting, Scott. Thanks for your input. There’s been lots of opinions flying around. Will let you know the outcome on the next posting.

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