Three Questions: Wayne Stuebing

Three Questions is a periodic feature of this blog. The focus is on three questions asked of everyday people involved in curious pursuits.

Wayne Stuebing is the subject of Three Questions today. Wayne is pressman, a printing press operator, who works at QSL Print Communications in Springfield, Oregon. Wayne ran the multi-colored press that printed my latest book, Game Day with the Oregon Ducks. He has worked as a pressman for 40 years.

1. How do you become a printing press operator?

It used to be that you would go to a trade school or else get hired by a printing company and work your way up. But now, trade schools don’t train in that area, and it’s a lot harder to get on with a printing company because there are a lot fewer these days.

2. What’s the future of the printing industry?

I think the industry will continue to shrink, but it won’t disappear because there will always be a need to have things printed. What will be interesting is who they’re going to have running the presses since a lot of the operators now are in their late 40s and 50s. Who’s going to replace them?

3. What are the worst and best parts of your job?

The worst part is the pressure, when jobs have to be done within a short time period. You can’t have a bad day; you have to be at your best everyday. The fulfillment is great, though, seeing the results of my work and knowing I did a good job.




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