Author Visit +

Yesterday I had a rare opportunity to share the stage with my music collaborator, G.T. Albright. G.T. has been in the music biz for 40+ years. He’s played in bands, recorded, produced, and written songs. We have been working together for about a year-and-a-half, with me writing lyrics and him adding the music. To date, we have collaborated on 24 songs, with many more to come.

Yesterday, we met with two 5th grade classes at Oakridge Elementary School in Oakridge, Oregon. The kids prepared by studying the lyrics to two of our songs. I spoke about the lyrics and then G.T. played the songs. He spoke about his process for developing the music, and he shared two different versions to one of the songs. It was a thrill to witness the responses of the students: they grooved to the rhythms, gushed with praise, and had lots of questions. Some had even developed their own music to the lyrics are were not shy to share them. Amazing!

Great job teachers, Emily Howard and David Gordon, and kids too. You made our day. We hope we made yours!


  1. Anonymous says:

    This is great! I loved reading or post! Your songs It was great. I det i will make a song just like you one bey.

  2. Easton says:

    Thank you for your time to see us and i like you beats or rhythms and the songs that you make for a lot of people. and your friend he is cool and nice and you are cool to but i like your guys guitar and bye have a good day.

  3. Troy says:

    Thank you.I had lots of fun with you. My favorite thing was listening
    to your music.Thank you.

  4. Balin says:

    Thank you very much those wonderful comments they are very aprishated and I thank you I aprishate you teaching us those songs.

  5. Lucas says:

    Thanks for giving us a shout out and I loved learning how you guys sang the songs. Also how you came up with them and all the other things you do.Thank you g.t. for playing the song for us and answering all our questions. (ps im in mrs Howards class)

  6. Freddy says:

    Thanks Mr. Young! I like that we were able to make your day :} Also, your lyrics were out of this world! Thanks for even being able to come over here and teach us. You taught me that songs can mean a lot by how thoughtful the lyrics are, and how their rhythm is. I also learned that books take a while to publish, and sometimes won’t even get published at all. Thanks for letting us have this inspiring moment, and have a wonderful day!

  7. Daytona says:

    I just wanna say thank-you!! To Robert Young and G.T Albright, when you said that we made your day, well, you made our day too, I hope we get to see you next year! Hope you have a awesome summer! even though there are 21 more days until summer break, but oh well! 🙂

  8. eidan barbour says:

    Thank you ,and I learned something this is what I learned writing song, lyrics, and poems are fun and i’m gonna make my own songs some time

  9. Amirah says:

    Thank you for coming to the class we had so much fun. And i like how we got to listen to some of your music so thank you -Amirah

  10. Amirah says:

    thank you for coming to the class we had so much fun and i like how we got to listen to some of your music so thank you -Amirah

  11. Ellie says:

    Thank you for visiting us!! I can probably speak for all of us when I say it was an amazing time. Thanks!!

  12. eidan barbour says:

    thank you, and i learned something what i learned is that writing songs is fun and i’m gonna try it some time.

  13. koltyn says:

    theanks you tought us the truwe theang of team work and frend ship

  14. ????? says:

    I am 1 of the students (But i wont say my name) and i really liked your visit and thanks for visiting us i the first place!

  15. eidan says:

    yesterday you really did make my day and when we talked about wolves yesterday it almost made me cry because i miss my moms dog beast.

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