Road Trip Update

My 3,000 mile road trip turned into 3,800 miles and took me through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho before returning to my beloved Oregon. The trip was everything I hoped for. Plus more!

In addition to connecting with family and friends, I was able to take some time to focus on the Lobo story. In Santa Fe, NM I got to meet up with David Witt, Director of the Seton Legacy Project, and a great resource for me when writing the graphic novel. He has studied Seton for several decades and wrote a biography: Ernest Thompson Seton – The Life and Legacy of an Artist and Conservationist. I had peppered David with questions over several years, clarifying and verifying information I came across. David answered them all, with patience and grace. When we met in Santa Fe, David shared many of Seton’s original artistic creations, and he walked me around the house that Seton built.

David Witt, with one of Seton’s most famous paintings: Sleeping Wolf.


From there, I drove to the northeast corner of the state, where I visited the National Scouting Museum, which interprets Seton’s contributions to the founding of the Boy Scouts as well as houses artifacts from his life (including Lobo’s pelt).

Outside the National Scouting Museum


Seton’s ledger


Traps used by Seton










To top off the experience (literally), I walked the trail atop nearby Capulin volcano. From up there I got a wonderful view of the surrounding area. This was Lobo’s territory, where the story took place. It was amazing to be there, and I couldn’t help but feel the wolf’s presence.

Lobo’s territory


Since returning home, Daniel has sent me his finished artwork and layout for notes. As you’ve seen in his samples along the way, he’s doing a great job! I’m going over the entire thing, wearing my “picky” hat, trying to find anything that needs revision for the final. We’ve had several communications around this, and things are moving along nicely.

The end is nearing…for real!

One comment

  1. Aiden chandler says:


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